Recently we showed you a couple of the roomsets that we created for our Print Room stencils. The Print Room collection is now complete and on line, hurrah! Rachel has made you a photo montage of the full range of Print Room stencils. Print Room is a new decorative concept combining stencilling with your own photocopies and transfers. All the stencils have been designed to 'frame' your prints but many of them will work well just as a stencilled pattern without the addition of artwork. This idea is suitable for both domestic and commercial interiors and it looks good on furniture as well as walls. My friend Sharon makes transfers from prints and combines them with the stencils. When I have mastered this I will be able to use Print Room onto fabric and floors. Click on any image to see a larger version or go to the site for more information and to see the stencils. Create your own stencilled gallery. Enjoy! R&H